Loghomes.com Mission Statement


Our core mission since 1994 has been to bring the log home industry and the public together. Loghomes.com was built to achieve this goal by providing:

1.  The Internet platform to present log home builders, mills and dealers to the public.

2.  Use the organic - natural - key word domain name loghomes.com to bring the public to our web sites for information about building any style of log home or log cabin.

3.  2004 we expanded our core mission to include re-sale of existing log homes and cabins.

4.  2008 we expanded our core mission to include log homes and cabins wanted to purchase.

5.  2010 we started planning and building an ultra modern web site for the public, builders and mills to meet.

6.  2011 September, we launched the "beta test model" of the all new loghomes.com to support log home mills, log home builders, log home and log cabin real estate sales. We have the capabilities to ad a furnishing and appliance showroom with individual stores shopping carts. Our logging and statistical ability is first class.

7.  2012 February we launched the all new www.loghomes.com. -  

8.  2012 June 26, well ranked on Google.

9.  August 2013 started expansion to include ease of use.

10.  February 2014 survived two major attempts to discredit our web site. We know who was involved.

11.  November 2014.  We will be working to add new services.

12.  January 2015.  We have changed our subscription levels to promote advertisers. Contact us for details.

13.  January 2016.   The remodeled Loghomes.com will have many new exciting features. 
14.  December 2016.   I took a year to decide on which new features could be added to www.loghomes.com that would propel us into the future of Internet business communications.   We had 29,000,000+ hits in the past 11 months.   After reviewing our log files and examining our weakness we will be upgrading to a newer version of  the Joomla CMS and adding these features as we enter 2017.    (a) the ability to communicate with any device.   (b) activate our FaceBook account.   (c) make all ads downloadable as PDF,   (d) adding a Catalog Feature,    (e) upgrade our forms,   (f) add new contact forms,   (g)  increase the public interest in log homes and log cabins,   (h) increase our ability to reach every potential log home buyer in the USA.  
15. July 2018.  Design work for the new LogHomes.com has started.  Estimated Completion 2019.
16. 2019 UPDATE:  On September 30, 2012 my wife of 47+ years passed away in her sleep.  It has taken me 7 years to recover my focus and get back on track.  I am now 78 and working long hours to rebuild LogHomes.com.  
17.  I am retiring March 7, 2022.  LogHomes.com has been sold and under new management.   A new LogHomes.com is currently under construction and should be on line in late May 2022 .  
Thank you for visiting www.loghomes.com this past year.
It has been a pleasure meeting and getting to know LogHomes.com advertisers.

Let's all work together to return our nation to its core values. Amen.








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