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About Building A Log Home

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They are all different and that is part of their unique beauty. is America's 1st log home public interest log home web site enabling log home mills and builders to provide free log home and log cabin information to the general public. Our primary goal is to provide the public all the information they need to make a sound log home buying decision. Our mission statement. Established in 1994

We highly recommend that you learn all you can about log homes. Here is a link to our information request form where you can begin the journey. Request A Log Home Catalog and free information about building a log home. Tell us where you would like live in the US or Canada and the different features you would like to have in your home. The builders associated with will help you get started.

There is much more to building a log home than shopping for the least expensive log package one can find on the Internet or magazine. The Internet or catalog package price is simply the starting point for negotiation. It is the primary drawing card for many log builders. For example; a log home buyer should consider thing like a log home construction style. Will you be building a milled log home with uniform sized logs or will you be building a handcrafted log home. Do you like round logs, square logs, or D shaped logs, double round logs - round inside and outside flat top and bottom, coped logs, scribed fit, tongue and groove fit, interior log walls or walls framed and sheetrocked, and how about the corners - dovetail joining, butt and pass or saddle notch corners? What diameter log are you seeking? All these things and more help to determine the price of the log home or cabin.

Are there ways to save money on the purchase of a log home or cabin? Yes there are and we will explore some of them. They are all about making good decisions.

Here is a brief list of the information what you will find in the information section of in the coming weeks.

  2. Choosing a log home construction style
  3. Picking a floor plan that fits your family lifestyle
  4. Why use an architect to design a log home?
  5. Buying land for your log home or cabin
  6. Selecting the building site for your log home or cabin
  7. Do you want a turnkey log home or
  8. Will you be an owner builder or owner contractor?
  9. Selecting your turnkey log home builder
  10. Are log homes energy efficient?
  11. "Women Can do it"  An article about a lady being the owner contractor
  12. Engineering log home to meet state and county building codes
  13. Building on the grid or going solar. Which is best for you?
  14. Budget Planning: Have you done the math?
  15. We are building a glossary of log home construction terms for the lay person. (This is a work in progress.)

More information will be added soon including;

  • A brief history of log homes.
  • Have you read the log home contracts - twice?
  • News - subscriber news releases

Well I joined the Navy as an enlisted man. While I very much enjoyed the Navy I elected to leave after four years. Two more years and I would have been a 1st class petty officer. There were other things I wanted to do other than ride 250 foot typhoon waves on a 556 foot seaplane tender. I rode out at least five major typhoons in the early 60’s.

After leaving the Navy I went to work in Nevada at a nuclear rocket test facility. We tested the 1st hydrogen nuclear rockets. I met my lovely wife while working at the test site. We were married 48 years ago in a Baptist Church. We are still together. We moved home to Mobile where I worked repairing marine navigational equipment. I accepted an offer to move to Greenville SC where I became one of the top three salespeople in the US selling Ford Code-a-phones. (Automated telephone answering and ordering machines.) We returned to Vegas where I went to work for AB Dick selling copiers and small printing presses. That started my love for commercial printing.

After a time I purchased a bankrupt printing company and built it into a sustainable business. Tired of working long hours as a one man operation I merged my business with another company as a corporate partnership. Two years later I sold my interest the printing company and began my career turning around financially troubled printing companies. For the next 25 plus years I helped turn around four different printing companies. The last being in Denver Colorado where we took a firm averaging $130,000 per month into a firm producing $375,000 per month with a nice pre-tax profit. Two of the companies I turned around had other agendas, meaning they were the cash write off for larger firms who had reached their seven year tax write off limit. Essentially they needed a profitable year and a name change to continue the tax write off game.

In 1992 while researching the potential of the Internet to affect a paradigm shift in the way people conduct business and communicate I wrote an article entitled “A Paradigm Shift in Business Communications is Underway”. After publishing the article in a printing trade journal I made the decision to put my money where my mouth was and moved my business affairs to the Internet. I have been there ever since developing commercial web sites. This a great move. We can now live and work anywhere in the USA. In 48 years we have lived in Vegas, Mobile, Greenville, New Orleans, Colorado Springs (20 years), Steamboat Springs (2 years) and in Fortine Montana (6+ years). Our home is for sale and we shall return to the Steamboat Springs area of Colorado in 2012. At 71 this will be our last move. All of our family is returning to Colorado. 4 children, 17 grand children, 3 great grand children.

Spiritually speaking we moved from the Baptist Church into the Nazarene Church then into full gospel circles. I attended the Nazarene Bible College and left with a 3.9 GPA. During my time there I had to make a decision regarding the Gifts of the Spirit and resigned. I have never regretted leaving.

My hobbies are studying American History, the Civil War, fishing, hunting, reading my bible, my wife, and family.

There is more to tell but that is for another time.